I have been actively involved in Teaching activities. The details can be found on this page.
Winter 2024: Large Systems
Lecturer/Teacher, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- This is the first course I am teaching after joining UvA, which is a Master’s SNE course.
- The course covers how to: (i) Understand the architecture and design principles of distributed systems (DS). (ii) Comprehend virtualization technologies and their implications in large systems. (iii) Configure and manage virtual environments, optimizing resource utilization through virtual machine migrations. (iv) Use tools like Ansible, Puppet, or Chef to provision and manage infrastructure (Infrastructure as Code). (v) Analyze and troubleshoot issues in DS, focusing on consistency, fault tolerance, and system failures.
Summer 2024: Data Intensive Computing (194.048)
Lecturer, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria
- The course teaches students how to: (i) assess and reduce the energy and environmental impact of large scale AI models, and (ii) apply and leverage AI techniques to tackle critical climate change problems.
- I am responsible for developing course materials and delivering the lectures, designing and grading the practical assignments and exams.
Winter 2023: AI/ML in the Era of Climate Change (194.125)
Lecturer, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria
- The course aims to teach students how to: (i) assess and reduce the energy and environmental impact of large scale AI models, and (ii) apply and leverage AI techniques to tackle critical climate change problems.
- I was responsible for developing course materials and delivering the lectures, designing and grading the practical assignments and exams.
Summer 2023: Data Intensive Computing (194.048)
Lecturer, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria
- The course covers topics on Big Data Processing with frameworks like MapReduce, Hadoop, Spark, and SparkMLLib.
- Delivered lectures and evaluated the student assignmetns and exams.
- Designed, and handled the three practical assignments on (i) text retrieval with Hadoop, (ii) text analysis and classification with Spark and SparkMLLib, and (iii) edge offloading with AWS.
Winter 2022: AI/ML in the Era of Climate Change (194.125)
Lecturer, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria
- I and Prof. Ivona Brandic created this new Master’s course at TU Wien.
- The course aims to teach students how to: (i) assess and reduce the energy and environmental impact of large scale AI models, and (ii) apply and leverage AI techniques to tackle critical climate change problems.
- Developed course syllabus, materials and delivered the lectures, evaluating the student assignments and exams.
- Designed, implemented and handled two new practical assignments (i) exploring the tradeoffs between energy and performance with model quantization, a technique to reduce the size and complexity of neural networks, and (ii) applying deep learning models to weather forecasting using the LamaH-CE dataset.
Summer 2021: Energy-efficient Distributed Systems (194.049)
Lecturer, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria
- The course covers the foundations of sustainable computing, energy efficiency in cloud computing and edge computing systems, among others.
- Delivered lectures, designed and handled the practical assignment on prediction driven workload management in cloud data centres.
2018-2021: Distributed Systems (COMP90015)
Head Tutor and Tutor, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- Worked as Head tutor and tutor for multiple semesters (S1 2021, S1 2020, S2 2019, S2 2018).
- As a tutor, I delivered the weekly coceptual and practical tutorials to the students.
- As a head tutor, I was responsible for creating tutorial materials, and managing the team of six tutors.
- Assisted lectures in creating new teaching materials and setup evaluation procedures.
2020-2021: Cloud Computing and Security (FIT5225)
Tutor, Monash University, Australia
- I delivered the weekly conceptual and practical tutorials to the students.
- I helped in designing new practial assignments.
- I assisted lecturer in creating new teaching materials, quizzes, and setup evaluation procedures.
2020-2021: Internet Technologies (COMP90007)
Tutor, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- I delivered the weekly conceptual and practical tutorials to the students.
Other Teaching Activities
- Guest Lecture on
Programming Abstractions in Cloud: From Mesage Passing to Platform as a Service
in Internet Technologies course, UniMelb, Australia (2020S2 and 2021S1).