I have been actively involved in Teaching activities. The details can be found on this page.
Summer 2024: Data Intensive Computing (194.048)
Lecturer, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria
- The course aims to teach students how to: (i) assess and reduce the energy and environmental impact of large scale AI models, and (ii) apply and leverage AI techniques to tackle critical climate change problems.
- I am responsible for developing course materials and delivering the lectures, designing and grading the practical assignments and exams.
Winter 2023: AI/ML in the Era of Climate Change (194.125)
Lecturer, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria
- The course aims to teach students how to: (i) assess and reduce the energy and environmental impact of large scale AI models, and (ii) apply and leverage AI techniques to tackle critical climate change problems.
- I was responsible for developing course materials and delivering the lectures, designing and grading the practical assignments and exams.
Summer 2023: Data Intensive Computing (194.048)
Lecturer, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria
- The course covers topics on Big Data Processing with frameworks like MapReduce, Hadoop, Spark, and SparkMLLib.
- Delivered lectures and evaluated the student assignmetns and exams.
- Designed, and handled the three practical assignments on (i) text retrieval with Hadoop, (ii) text analysis and classification with Spark and SparkMLLib, and (iii) edge offloading with AWS.
Winter 2022: AI/ML in the Era of Climate Change (194.125)
Lecturer, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria
- I and Prof. Ivona Brandic created this new Master’s course at TU Wien.
- The course aims to teach students how to: (i) assess and reduce the energy and environmental impact of large scale AI models, and (ii) apply and leverage AI techniques to tackle critical climate change problems.
- Developed course syllabus, materials and delivered the lectures, evaluating the student assignments and exams.
- Designed, implemented and handled two new practical assignments (i) exploring the tradeoffs between energy and performance with model quantization, a technique to reduce the size and complexity of neural networks, and (ii) applying deep learning models to weather forecasting using the LamaH-CE dataset.
Summer 2021: Energy-efficient Distributed Systems (194.049)
Lecturer, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria
- The course covers the foundations of sustainable computing, energy efficiency in cloud computing and edge computing systems, among others.
- Delivered lectures, designed and handled the practical assignment on prediction driven workload management in cloud data centres.
2018-2021: Distributed Systems (COMP90015)
Head Tutor and Tutor, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- Worked as Head tutor and tutor for multiple semesters (S1 2021, S1 2020, S2 2019, S2 2018).
- As a tutor, I delivered the weekly coceptual and practical tutorials to the students.
- As a head tutor, I was responsible for creating tutorial materials, and managing the team of six tutors.
- Assisted lectures in creating new teaching materials and setup evaluation procedures.
2020-2021: Cloud Computing and Security (FIT5225)
Tutor, Monash University, Australia
- I delivered the weekly conceptual and practical tutorials to the students.
- I helped in designing new practial assignments.
- I assisted lecturer in creating new teaching materials, quizzes, and setup evaluation procedures.
2020-2021: Internet Technologies (COMP90007)
Tutor, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- I delivered the weekly conceptual and practical tutorials to the students.
Other Teaching Activities
- Guest Lecture on
Programming Abstractions in Cloud: From Mesage Passing to Platform as a Service
in Internet Technologies course, UniMelb, Australia (2020S2 and 2021S1).